
Release 0.2.0 released!

The Idea

I like the idea of programming the frontend in java, like you can do with vaadin flow. Unfortunaly vaadin apps are not stateless. So they did not scale very well. Deep inside there is gwt also in flow.

How would look like a portal if it was invented nowadays?

This is a first POC of my ideas:

Build a cloud native ui framework for quarkus but not limited to. Influenced by web components and the idea of ui mircoservices. It should be stateless, light weight and easy to integrate with quarkus, also build on vanilla browser technologies without GWT or Javascript frameworks.

Get Started

This is work in progress. See example.

Setup your project

  1. checkout the core projects and build them with mvn clean install
  2. start a new quarkus project on
  3. Add the cloud-ui-extension to your project

Create your first view:

public class MyView extends Div {

  public MyView() {

    H1 title = new H1("MyView");

Start server with

 mvn compile quarkus:dev

Open Browser http://localhost:8080/myview


Work in progress. See guides and example apps so far.